The Kurayoshi Pure Malt Sherry Cask Japanese Whisky 700ml
The Kurayoshi Pure Malt Whisky Sherry Cask is a boutique Japanese whisky produced by the Matsui distillery..This is a 100% malted barley whisky, sourced from distilleries around Scotland, before making their way to Japan, where it is blended with Japanese Whisky, aged and cut to proof with the legendary volcanic stone filtered waters of Tottori Prefecture. This means that the profile is brighter that you would expect in this age-range. This brings out more herbal and citrus notes while maintaining a nice complexity. The real surprise is how well it pairs with food. Think of it like a “white Wine of Whisky” and enjoy.
The Finer Details
Style - Japanese Whisky
Country - Japan
Bottle Size - 700ml
ABV - 43%