Applewood Geraldton Wax Gin 500ml
The ancient continent of Australia occupies one of the most unique places in geological, botanical and anthropological history. The sunburnt country is home to some of the oldest rocks currently known, the earliest evidence of life, and the longest surviving human culture on Earth. It's this very history that has formed, and shaped the natural flora of the land we belong to. Applewood seek to add value to native
ingredients, supporting farmers who opt for more sustainable farming methods, crops and orchards. They value those who wish to listen and learn from indigenous culture and understand the importance of working in harmony with nature. Applewood are known for producing distinctly Australian gin, relying heavily on native Australian ingredients to create truly unique flavour profiles. In this particular rendition, those ingredients include the geraldton wax plant, desert limes, cardamom, peppermint gum, lavender and angelica root. The result is a spice driven and citrus forward gin that is nonetheless full of juniper sweetness. This is yet another remarkable product from Applewood.
The Finer Details
Style - Gin
Country - Australia
Bottle Size - 500ml
ABV - 43%