Okayama Craft Gin Sakura Cask Finish 500ml
by Okayama
Okayama Craft Gin Sakura Cask Finish is distilled using rice shochu as a base plus a blend of more than a dozen classic botanical including coriander, lemon peel, juniper, lavender, and orange. Unique to this gin is the Okayama region famous Momo white peach. Finished in a barrel made from Sakura (Japanese Cherry Blossom) imparting a sweet wild berry note.
The resulting gin has aromas of citrus, lavender, peach, and wild cherry across the nose. The palate comes together with a blend of juniper, Mikan/Hetsuka orange and yuzu lemon, kumquat, Saigon cinnamon. he cask influence adds brioche, cherry candy and marzipan.
The Finer Details
Style - Gin
Country - Japan
Bottle Size - 500ml
ABV - 50%