NON 3 Toasted Cinnamon & Yuzu Filtered Water 750ml
The moment you remove the crown seal from NON Number 3, The beautiful aromas of Cinnamon and Yuzu leap from the bottle. The balance between the citrus, Sri Lankan cinnamon, Murray River salt organic cane sugar, verjus and filtered water makes for a very pleasant and refreshing drink, or an exploration of flavour profiles for your taste buds, depending on your mood. With top restaurants including Noma, Momofuku and Attica on board from the early days, this is opening up some serious eyes to non-alcoholic alternatives!
Note - natural sediment may occur. Refrigerate after opening and consume within 2-3 days.
The Finer Details
Style - Filtered Water
Country - Australia
Region - Armadale, Victoria
Bottle Size - 750ml
Other - Vegan Friendly, Gluten Free