Lagavulin 8 Year Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky 700ml
Lagavulin is one of the smokiest and most intense whiskies in the world. And it has even more richness to offer through deep sweetness and notes of dried fruits. Revered by connoisseurs and experts, it’s known as “the king of Islay. Situated in the romantic location of the beautiful island of Islay, the Lagavulin distillery looks onto Dunyvaig Castle. This eight-year-old Single Malt Scotch Whisky is big and smoky. A celebration of the people and craft that have made Lagavulin great over the last two centuries, its fragrant, tea-scented smoke alongside nose-drying, maritime aromas is unlocked with just a drop of water. Inspired by the visit of Alfred Barnard to the distillery in the 1880s when he tried an 'exceptionally fine' eight-year-old from the distillery, this is a fitting tribute for the milestone. With a light body that becomes pleasantly oily, the Lagavulin 8 Year Old palate boasts a magnificently full-on Lagavulin taste that’s somehow even bigger than you expect. The clean, long finish is subtle with minted smoke and warming chocolate notes. The 8 Year Old calls for some special attention. Make time to enjoy neat in a whisky nosing glass, or with maybe just a drop of water.
The Finer Details
Style - Scotch Whisky
Country - Scotland
Region - Islay
Bottle Size - 700ml
ABV - 48%