Grand Marnier Liqueur 700ml
Authentic. Sophisticated. Unique. The iconic blend of fine cognac and bitter orange liqueur, created by Louis-Alexandre Marnier Lapostolle.
The history of Cordon Rouge is inextricably linked to that of Grand Marnier. One day, Louis-Alexandre had the inspiration to blend cognac, the finest of all spirits and the pride of southwestern France since the seventeenth century, with aromatic orange essence. He took more than a decade to create, improve, and refine the liqueur that the world would one day know as Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge liqueur. It was 1880 when the legend was born.
Grand Marnier orange flavoured liqueur is the result of a unique alchemy created by combining the noble taste of cognac with the exoticism of the bitter oranges. It’s a unique blend of fine french cognac with bigaradia citrus fruits whose recipe has not changed since its creation.
The Finer Details
Style - Liqueur
Country - France
Bottle Size - 700mL
ABV - 40%